

Genus Phelsuma – includes lizards that are common on the island of Madagascar and some nearby islands. They live in forests and are exclusively diurnal. Males are distinguished by the presence of rows of yellowish femoral and prianal pores. Some species are very modestly colored, for example, Phelsuma barbouri, living in rocky areas, has a brown color. Others are simply brilliant and seem to be sprinkled with gold sparkles – for example, Ph. laticauda. The size of these geckos varies from 10 to 20 cm. The largest and most popular is Ph. madagaskariensis grandis – reaches 20 cm or more, and the smallest – Ph. klemmeri and Ph. pusilla – even in adulthood they do not grow to 10 cm.

Lizards are not too tame, they easily drop their tail. Like most lizards, they feed on insects, but fruits are part of the diet. The content requires bright UV radiation, the temperature in a warm spot should reach up to 35 degrees, the minimum night temperature is 20. Live plants are usually planted in the terrarium to maintain the high humidity that they need.

there are 52 species in total. Briefly about some of them:

Felzuma Madagascar (Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis)

The most common species for keeping in a terrarium. Large felzuma, up to 30 cm. Contained in pairs, the character is quite aggressive. Males differ from females in that the latter have a thickened tail root and a wider head. There are several morphs, who are interested – write, we will make a separate post.

Broad-tailed felsum (Phelsuma laticauda)

The body length is about 10-13 cm. This species is prone to obesity, so it is worth paying extra attention to the amount of food eaten by each individual. If you want to keep broad-tailed felsum in groups, females are suitable for this purpose, which never conflict with each other. Males of this species are territorial. They breed quite well in captivity.

Four-eyed felsum (Phelsuma quadriocellata)

Another not large species is the felsum, 12-13 cm long. A characteristic distinguishing feature is large black spots with a blue rim located on the sides, behind the base of the forelimbs. When it rains, the skin becomes even greener. bright. It is worth noting that they are very soft, sensitive, as a result of which it is easily injured.

Phelsuma decorated

This is a medium-sized lizard 10-12 centimeters long. There is no sexual dimorphism in size and coloration. This species is found on the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. This is one of the most colorful day geckos. This is a medium-sized lizard 10-12 centimeters long. There is no sexual dimorphism in size and coloration. This species is found on the islands of Mauritius and Reunion. This is one of the most colorful day geckos.

Phelsuma kochi

Previously, this species of felsum belonged to the subspecies of the Madagascar felsum (Phelsuma madagascariensis). Later it was raised to its own form: Raxworthy et al. (2007). This change was subsequently confirmed in a genetically based study of the genus Phelsuma in Malaysia (Rocha et al. 2010).

Phelsuma clampery

Life expectancy is about 6 years, it is a small gecko up to 6cm long. Very aggressive and territorial towards their own kind. In captivity, Clemmery felsums breed without any problems. Sexual maturity occurs at 6-9 months. Before breeding, geckos are fed heavily, additionally give calcium (especially to females) and increase the length of daylight hours.

Phelsuma standingi

Very rare, and at the same time popular for its interesting coloration and large size, Phelsuma standingi Felzuma Standing. The body length is on average 21 – 25 centimeters, individual specimens reach 27. This species lives in the north-west of Madagascar. Juveniles have a yellow-green head, with brown spots and stripes.

Little Phelsuma

Bourbon Phelsuma

In the course of writing, we used: http://www.iucnredlist.org/http://terraria.ru/http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/http://myreptile.ru/http://www.zoofond .ru/http://zooclub.ru/

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